Traditions of Health
Massage Therapy in Idaho Falls, ID

About Marie

Marie Webster, owner of "Traditions of Health" located at the "Professional therapeutic Touch" 2315 Channing Way Ste. B, is a certified Massage Therapist. Graduate from "The College of Massage" at Bingham Memorial Hospital. She graduated with a 4.0 and was class representative. Some of her training includes: Pain management, Swedish Massage, Aromatherapy (uses Young Living Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils), Hot Stone Massage, Sport Massage, and Chair Massage, just to name a few.

Marie has had massage internship training within the hospital setting of a long term care facility, day surgery, dialysis center and birthing center. She is certified in first aid and CPR. Prior to becoming a Massage therapist she has worked in the medical field with mastectomy patients, amputees as well as in a chiropractic clinic running initial exams and re-evaluation exams. Marie is proud of her family and adores her 4 grandchildren. She is an active member of the Chamber of Commerce and has helped in fund raisers through out the community.

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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